Česká společnost pro povrchové úpravy

Česká společnost pro povrchové úpravy

About Company

The Czech Society for Surface Treatment is a voluntary and independent non-political association that brings together workers active in the field of surface treatment and directly or indirectly related processes in the Czech Republic.

The company's mission is the all-round development of the surface treatment industry ​​​​​and mediation of contacts between all those interested in the field.

Main Goals:

  • Continuous active trade union activity in the field
  • Awareness promotion
  • Education development
  • Guaranteeing professional level and competence

Information and technical service, consultancy on surface treatment technologies. Standards and legislation, surface finishing on the Internet, information server ECHO ON LINE, CSPU Newsletter, educational opportunities (postgraduate studies and courses), professional and company literature, expert opinions, contacts to suppliers of equipment, products and services, free capacity of plants, free advertising, offers of services, unused stocks and equipment.

Management of ČSPÚ

President of the company: Ing. Petr Goliáš

Members of the Committee:
Ing. Tomáš Fuka, CSc., Techneco Praha
Ing. Roman Konvalinka, SurTec s.r.o. Praha
Ing. Kateřina Kreislová, Ph.D, SVÚOM s.r.o. Praha
Ing. Václav Kříž, Atotech a.s Jablonec nad Nisou
Ing. Ladislav Obr, CSc., Jablonec nad Nisou
Doc. Ing. Martin Paidar, Ph.D, VŠCHT Praha
Ing. Pavel Prokeš, První brněnská strojírna Velká Bíteš, s.r.o.
Ing. Petr Szelag, Pragochema s.r.o. Uhříněves
Ing. Miroslav Valeš, Ph.D, VZLÚ Test a.s. Praha

Secretary: PhDr. Drahomíra Majerová, Jihlava